Yoga studio for Teacher Training Course

Yoga studio for Teacher Training Course

Vrksasana or The Tree PoseVrks = Tree Yoga sets great store on balance. In fact all of Yoga is an effort towards achieving balance. In action and thought. As such Vrksasana serves as a barometer. As we assume the pose, we might get a sense of how far we are from...
What is Psoriatic Arthritis?

What is Psoriatic Arthritis?

Psoriatic Arthritis is a form of arthritis that affects people having Psoriasis, a condition with itchy and scaly red patches over the skin.  Research reveals that around 24 in Thousand peoples are suffering from Psoriatic Arthritis. The main notable symptoms of...
Learn Yoga basics with Pratimoksha

Learn Yoga basics with Pratimoksha

Vajrasana or The Thunderbolt Pose.Vajr = Thunderbolt or Diamond In our previous Yoga Basics blog we highlighted the Easy Pose or the Sukhasana as a fundamental Yoga pose upon which a Yoga practitioner builds an ever more complex routine and one that he or she returns...
Yoga asana for beginners

Yoga asana for beginners

Bhujangasana or The Cobra Pose – yoga asana for beginners Bhujanga = Cobra/Serpent Quite often people believe Yoga is only for the supple and flexible, the thin and more or less fit and disciplined individual. However, that’s as far from the truth as one can...