How blue light affects your eyes?

How blue light affects your eyes?

Most of us use our gadgets well into the night. It’s most likely the last thing we look at before sleep and the first thing we look at when we wake up. According to a Khaleej Times report (22/1/2021), 65% of UAE residents do not get proper sleep and one of the reasons...
Sleeplessness and Obesity

Sleeplessness and Obesity

Have you ever tried to analyze the reasons for sudden weight gain? It could be poor quality sleep. Research has shown that lack of sleep can lead to obesity. Sleep is the time when our brain does its detox, the time when our brain repairs damaged cells, removes dead...
How Yoga therapy can help rid you of pain

How Yoga therapy can help rid you of pain

Are you in pain? Neck, shoulder, back, knee or any other area? It could be an ache that over the months has become chronic, or it might just be a mild but constant one that is affecting the quality of your life. Would you like help to overcome it? Then Pratimoksha has...
The Four Great Pillars of Yoga Teaching

The Four Great Pillars of Yoga Teaching

The Four Great Pillars of Yoga Teacher’s Training: Communication, Anatomy, Physiology, and Philosophy   Yoga is a holistic discipline that merges physical postures, controlled breathing, and meditative practices to enhance both physical and mental health....