Why Yoga during pregnancy

Why Yoga during pregnancy

Pregnancy is no doubt an extra-special time. It’s the happiest of times and yet the toughest too for a woman. It is also a very unique ride, with no two being the same. Some breeze through it with minimal discomfort, others find they have to tap into all their...
Yoga postures for children

Yoga postures for children

Teaching children Yoga is both easy and difficult. Easy because of obvious reasons. Children are naturally flexible and they love to twist and tumble and can easily throw up their legs or plant their hands on the floor and attempt a shoulder stand. The thought of...
How bad postures affect your health

How bad postures affect your health

Why slouching might be costing you your life There’s so much more to good posture than we give credit for. More often than not we hold ourselves tall, tuck in our bellies and straighten our shoulders to look good in other’s eyes. The reality, however, is that we need...
Learn Yoga basics with Pratimoksha

Learn Yoga basics with Pratimoksha

Vajrasana or The Thunderbolt Pose.Vajr = Thunderbolt or Diamond In our previous Yoga Basics blog we highlighted the Easy Pose or the Sukhasana as a fundamental Yoga pose upon which a Yoga practitioner builds an ever more complex routine and one that he or she returns...