In our tech-infested world, where our children are drawn ever younger to digital devices, the world of social media and virtual reality why not use Yoga to create an oasis of calm.
Unless your children are extraordinarily obedient, you are bound to face stiff resistance, as you pry away their devices and command them to a Yoga mat. Every cell within you must be wanting to quit as you try and ignore sulky, resentful looks and whiny protests.
If you can persist and get them to sit for a session or two, we don’t guarantee that subsequent sessions will become easier! But at least, they might come to see it as a task their parent has assigned to them, and which they must work at for the stipulated time.
It will take many more sessions until they come to appreciate their practice. It will take maturity and insight for them to realise that thanks to their parents’ efforts they now have a time and space that they can spend in self-reflection and introspection, where they can let their minds wander, their imaginations run free and slowly learn to process their thoughts and emotions and release pent-up stress.
Nothing like starting young
At Pratimoksha, we advise that children start Yoga between the age of 10-13. By then they would have become a little more mature to follow instructions and absorb some of the basic philosophy that guides the Asana practice.
It’s always good to start early, as the body is super flexible and one can achieve postures without the need for any customization. Contrast this with someone beginning Yoga in their middle age. Chances are they might have acquired assorted aches and pains — even one or two chronic issues. With the body not being as flexible as in its youth, the Yoga instructor might suggest tweaking postures to prevent injuries. On a case-by-case basis, a teacher might even recommend Yoga therapy to take care of chronic issues before the practitioner can move into a regular class.
This is, by and large, not the case with children. Hence the advantage of starting young.
Yoga and academics
Since academics is such a large part of a child’s life, Yoga can help in areas such as improving concentration and focus, reducing exam-related stress and tension, and helping the mind cope with trying to absorb information and make sense of it. It can help calm children who are hyperactive, so that they can sit for a longer duration while studying. It transforms children into more resilient people, who in time, display the same flexibility of body in the way they think and deal with people and situations.
Breathing exercises also help immensely. Not only does improved lung function help reach oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body, particularly the brain, but it also helps balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Why is this important?
While the sympathetic nervous system is in charge of one’s fight-or-flight response, the parasympathetic nervous system kicks in to reset, restore and digest. Both work in tandem to keep us safe and in optimum health. An imbalance leads to physical and mental stress.
Yoga is possibly the best discipline that helps keep a body in balance. It offers so many techniques that one can use, depending on a situation, to help restore our sense of balance and thereby our sense of wellness.
At Pratimoksha Enlighten Yoga Center in Dubai, we view constructive anger as a valuable tool for mentoring. Parents and mentors need to utilize this form of anger to motivate and guide students or team members effectively. Now, let’s explore the different types of anger and their impacts. Understanding these types can help in managing emotions better and using anger positively to drive growth and improvement.
Teaching Yoga to Children: Easy Yet Challenging
Children are naturally flexible and love to twist and turn, making them eager to try yoga postures. However, guiding them safely while keeping their attention can be tricky. The challenge lies in making the practice engaging while ensuring they follow instructions without getting bored.
Engaging Kids: Make Yoga Fun
To capture the interest of younger children (ages 6-10), try weaving yoga poses into playful stories that involve different shapes and animals. For teenagers, you can take a more serious approach, which may help them develop a lifelong commitment to yoga with the right encouragement.
Benefits of Yoga for Children
Yoga offers various benefits for children, similar to those for adults. It can enhance concentration, focus, and memory while also helping with stress management. Yoga is especially useful for older children balancing exams and activities, as it helps channel emotions like frustration and anger into focused energy.
Introducing a Simple Vinyasa Sequence for Kids
When teaching a Vinyasa sequence to children, it’s important to make it fun and interactive. Ensure they use quality yoga mats with a good grip, and add a competitive element or a storytelling aspect to keep them engaged during the practice.
Sample Yoga Sequence for Kids
Begin with Mountain Pose (Tadasana) to establish balance, followed by a Forward Fold to stretch the back. Move into Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukho Svanasana) and transition into a Plank to build core strength. Then, flow into Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) for a gentle backbend, and relax into Sphinx Pose or Crocodile Pose (Makarasana) for a neck stretch. Next, move into Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) to strengthen the lower back. End with the playful Wind-Relieving Pose (Pawanmuktasana) and finish with a calming Corpse Pose (Shavasana) for relaxation.
Yoga for Children at Pratimoksha Enlighten Yoga Center Dubai
Introducing our children to Yoga is one of the best things we can do for them. It’s truly a gift of health like no other.
Pratimoksha Enlighten Yoga Center in Dubai offers specialized yoga programs for children and teenagers, designed to make yoga engaging and beneficial while helping them build a healthy relationship with the practice. In addition to children’s yoga, Pratimoksha provides classes for all ages and levels. For those dealing with ailments or chronic pain, our Yoga Therapy sessions offer a holistic approach to managing and potentially alleviating your condition. With a diverse range of yoga tools, Pratimoksha provides depth and expertise that you won’t find in other forms of fitness.