Why Yoga during pregnancy

Health and Wellness

by | Feb 2, 2024

Here’s the second part to our blog on why Yoga could be your best companion through your pregnancy. If you haven’t read Part 1, then go here https://www.pratimoksha.org/pregnancy-yoga/

In this blog let’s take a look at some simple Yoga moves that you can safely practice.

Do have a word with your doctor before you start any fitness regimen.

Ideally it’s best to have an instructor with you. This will not only ensure your safety but you stand to derive the best from your workout when you put yourself in the hands of an able and knowledgeable instructor. Depending on how you are feeling on the day, the instructor will be able to customize the Yoga workout for your particular issues.

Sukshma Vyayama

The Sukshma Vyayama is a gentle sequence of movements that almost anyone at any age can safely do. The focus here are all the joints, with the routine taking us systematically over all of them. By working on our joints one by one, and in tune with one’s breath, one can ensure they remain supple for years to come.

Sukshma in Sanskrit translates to “subtle”, and Vyayama means “physical exercise”. It’s a highly effective way of releasing built-up stress. As the stress dissipates, one can feel a subtle shift in energy. We become lighter and recharged.

Seat yourself in a comfortable pose either on a mat or on a chair. Make sure your spine is straight, your shoulders squared.

Begin by squeezing your toes. Inhale, exhale, squeeze. Exhale and open the toes out wide. Repeat 5-10 times. Follow up by extending your feet as though you are trying to touch the mat with your toes. Now exhale and flex your feet to point the toes towards you. Repeat around 5-10 times.

Next come ankle rotations, one way and then the other.

For a full Sukshma Vyayama routine, text us @00971-50-395-5613.

 Now here are 3 poses that you can practice. Do not force yourself to attain a posture; rather ensure that you are comfortable and pain-free. With consistent practice you will gradually get there.

  1. Tadasana: The Mountain Pose

Tada in Sanskrit means mountain. This one is a simple pose, but its merit lies in how it pulls all parts of the body together to help hold you erect and balanced.

Stand up straight;
Ensure your chest is out and shoulder blades retracted;
Keep your arms by the sides;
Distribute your weight evenly on both feet;
Close your eyes if you are comfortable doing so;
Now gently breathe in and out.
As you breathe in and out, your focus and concentration improve; you feel stress and tension ease. Without your even knowing it, you are working all major muscle groups including your all-important core.

  1. Sukhasana: The Easy Pose

Another simple posture, the Sukhasana translates to the ‘easy pose’. Sukha in Sanskrit refers to ease.

If you are new to sitting cross-legged on the floor, then you might find this pose a little challenging. Depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy, you might find it difficult to get back up from the posture. So you might want someone around you.

Sit up on a cushion or pillow to make yourself comfortable in the pose and to ease any pressure you might feel at the base of the spine or hip joints.

Sit with your back straight, chest pushed out. (Use wall support if necessary)
Gently draw your legs into a cross-legged posture. Let your knees fall to either side, but do not force them down.
You could extend your crossed ankles slightly away from you for a more comfortable seat.
Let your palms rest gently on your knees.
Breathe gently — a complete exhalation and a full deep inhalation.
Hold the posture for a minute or as long as you are comfortable, before extending your legs and coming out of the pose. You could repeat the pose this time crossing the opposite leg over the first.
The posture helps improve posture, focus and concentration, strengthening the back.

One can sit in Sukhasana for breathing exercises and meditation.

  1. Marjariasana: The Cat Pose

In Sanskrit Marjariasana means cat. This is a pose that helps keep our spines supple and flexible. It is particularly beneficial for women helping massage and tone the reproductive organs, the pelvic floor and the birth canal.

Kneel on your Yoga mat; sit back and bring your forearms to cross in front of your knees. This is to ensure your knees align with your elbows and are thus equidistant from each other.
Now open up your forearms even while your elbows remain rooted just in front of your knees.
Measure a forearm’s distance on your mat, and from the top of your fingers, one palm’s distance. (You might need to increase the distance by half-a-palm more; it all depends on the length of your torso.) Now place the bottom edge of your palm at this point and spread out your hands on the mat. If your measurements are correct then your arms and hands will be right under your shoulders, and your hip points on top of your knees, and your back a tabletop. Once in the pose, your arms, thighs, underbelly, and mat will together form a near-perfect rectangle. (Drop us a note if we’re confusing you here. The measurements help in getting your alignment right, crucial to avoiding undue stress to the wrists and knees.)
Now drop your neck and head; exhale and pull in your stomach muscles to create a hollowed core.
Hold, and then come back to tabletop position.

For comprehensive prenatal and post-natal Yoga class packages drop us a WhatsApp text @00971-50-395-5613


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