Growth happens when you heal within. Abundance flows when growth flourishes…
Even as whole swathes of the world seem to be in need of healing these days, the truth is even we have areas in our lives where healing can lead to growth and growth to abundance. Here’s how. These simple steps can help direct you towards your very own, personal path towards a life of abundance. And before you go any further, know that abundance is not synonymous with money.
So what then is Abundance ?
It is a state when happiness becomes your true nature, and is not pegged to success or failure. When Peace of mind becomes an eternal and effortless state; acceptance happens with grace. Abundance is when one is enriched with higher values of Universal love; when happiness lies in giving more than receiving.
Let’s begin our journey with:
‘Healing happens from within’: this means all your initial efforts must be directed inwards.
Knowing your strengths / potentials
Know who you are (through a regular practice of self-inquiry)
Quieten your mind and listen to your inner voice.
With practice and time, the ‘chattering mind’ that we encounter initially, will give way to a talking mind.
Kickstart the process of self-inquiry with these simple questions: ‘Who am I?’, ‘What are my strengths?’, ‘What is the purpose of my life?’… .
Watch the nature of thoughts that are repetitive and pen down how you feel about them.
This practice will slowly help your true nature to unfold. Your strengths, and the weaknesses that inhibit your growth process, will gradually reveal themselves.
Make this your daily 10-minute routine. You will soon begin to realize that your emotions have a strong influence on your daily life. Your true potentials are camouflaged by your own thoughts.As you become more comfortable with this stage, it is the time to move to the next level of introspection.
Understanding your surroundings and knowing your resources:
Finance: This plays a huge role in how we live our lives. However, learn to differentiate between your needs and your wants. For example, education is a need — a basic human right. But wanting to be educated in a top-notch university — and refusing to settle for any other option — becomes greed. Let’s take another example: a vehicle could be considered a need, and wanting a personal car may be a necessity at some stage in your life, but possessing a fleet of expensive cars becomes greed.
Optimizing available resources: Learning to maximize the use of our resources is an art that we must develop and teach our children as well. This will help our planet heal sooner. ‘Reuse’ and ‘buying only what one needs’ are great habits to inculcate. This will help us preserve a cleaner and safer environment and help us lead a value-based life.
Prioritizing daily life routines: Understanding one’s priorities and building these into our daily lives takes discipline. Among our top priorities are first — health; next come family and relationships; third come career and finance; and the fourth-A must, is our community and service.
Great read! Informative and directional! 🙂
Thank you so much Ms. Lhizl, we are glad that you found the topic interesting and informative.